The AlphaPuff Kit By Alpha Cat has everything you need to smoke, at home or on the go!
Price: $59
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Buy one at: AlphaPuff.com
The Alpha Puff Kit is basically the first aid kit of cannabis, providing you with a sampling of everything you may need. This 7-part smoking kit features storage for papers, filters, pre-rolls, greenery, a grinder, a refillable lighter…and the grand finale – it converts to a water pipe.
The wonderful people over at AlphaCat were generous enough to send me one to try out. Overall, using it was an awesome experience, but below I’ll go into some details about the specific features and how they worked out for me!

The generous pack of filters is nice. I usually cut those up out of cardstock, so I know I can refill that with filters of that size. The pre-rolls storage has a capacity of 3, which is more than enough to prep for whatever journey you take your kit on!
The papers that came with the kit are king size, which is pretty cool if that’s your normal go-to size. I tested a couple of packs of papers I already had and unfortunately neither of them fit in the storage compartment. So while I’m sure I will enjoy the king size papers while they last, it’ll be a bit less convenient for me to refill the compartment with my own store of papers.
Green Storage & Grinder
The greenery storage is a nice size—and you’re gonna need it for all the green you grind with this amazing grinder! In the past I have always been a metal grinder user, so I really didn’t have super high expectations when I saw that the grinder on this was plastic.
But the sharpness of this grinder completely surprised me! The first bud I ground up vigorously to test it’s potential. The end product was a soft, especially aromatic pile of green. It was amazing; my old metal grinder is definitely on the back burner right now!
As far as the lighter goes, you do have to purchase the lighter fluid separately and fill that part. It’s a bit troublesome as I’m not entirely sure where I’d buy plain lighter fluid—but it will be cool once I figure it out and set the included lighter up to take on the go (camping, here I come)!
Water Pipe
Lastly—the water pipe. I have not owned a water pipe in a long time, so the convenience of making one from a baton is seriously next level for me. This kit feels like you can MacGyver anything out of it! And it comes with a cleaning brush, which is great to ensure that every time you grind something new it smells nice and fresh.
Alpha Puff Kit Review
Overall the Alpha Puff Kit was a really cool new product that I’d definitely recommend to smoker friends (or maybe I’ll surprise them with one—it would make a perfect gift). It looks very minimalist, takes up very little space, yet can provide a plethora of functionality—basically everything you need to smoke!
I really love how everything is combined into one compact device. This kit is definitely the ultimate smoker’s tool and I foresee a variety of uses for it, especially camping. Looking forward to testing it out further!
Buy one at: AlphaPuff.com