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Spire Review | This Little Stress Tracker Helped Me Calm Down

Price: $129.95

Breath and activity tracker
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The Spire

I tend to carry a lot of stress and tension, so when Topdown asked me to do the Spire review I jumped on it. The Spire is a wearable device that monitors and tracks your breathing real time. The creators of the Spire claimed that its notifications and breathing tools could help reduce the stress in my life. I was excited to do the Spire review and see if this was true.

Does It Work?

Before going into specifics, I want to tell my readers that the Spire really did work. The device noticed my stressful moments and alerted me. I was amazed at the number of times times I was stressed without really noticing. The Spire provided breathing and calming exercises that helped me gain control. It was a great device but there were still a few issues I point out below.

The Spire Wearable Device

The Spire itself is small, light, and seems very well made. The smooth fabric/stone (I don’t know a better way to explain it) surface rests comfortably against the skin. Women wear it clipped to the bra, while men wear it clipped to the pants. The device charges wirelessly in a stand and I found the battery life was never really an issue for me.

The only real negative I found with the device was the extremely firm clip. Sliding the Spire onto my bra was always harder than it should have been. Ironically, even with the firm clip, the Spire did fall off of my bralette one time. Luckily, I was able to use the bluetooth connection to retrace my steps and find my Spire.

The Spire App

When you first download the Spire App it will walk you through a process to customize the device to your body. The App is beautiful and very easy to understand. There is an initial walk-through video that helps explain the Spire, but I felt it could have been a bit more explanative. Regardless, I was using the Spire to track my breathing in under 5 minutes.

I think it was the coolest moment of using the Spire was when I got my first notification. The Spire had noticed my elevated breathing and walked me through some breathing exercises. I often commute over 3 hours a day and the Spire became extremely useful during those drives. It would alert me I was getting stressed and then I would begin breathing exercises to relax.

Check out my video Spire review below to learn more about the Spire.

Who should buy the Spire

I would recommend the Spire to anyone with stress or anxiety looking to fix it. The Spire itself wont solve your stress, but it does let you know when your breathing gets elevated. Once alerted to the elevated breathing it is up to you to take the steps to calm back down. The Spire offers helpful breathing exercises, but in reality, it’s up to you to relax.


  • The Spire pretty accurately recognizes when your breathing rate changes.
  • The Spire is very light weight and I stopped noticing it was there after a few days. (So much so I didn’t notice it had fallen off!)
  • Beautiful design and very easy to use app.
  • The Spire offers a newsletter that is very helpful.
  • Long battery life and easy way to recharge.
  • Spire has built-in memory chip that will record data even when your phone isn’t nearby.


  • The metal clip seems harder to open than it should be.
  • The Spire did fall off one time when I was using it.
  • Sometimes I didn’t put it completely against my skin and it had trouble recording accurate data. (though I figured out where it should go over time)

Spire Details

My Spire Review Summary

Rating: 9.4

Overall I have been very pleased with the Spire. It pretty accurately records my breathing and does a good job alerting me to stressful or idle moments. It was very easy to setup and simple to use. If you are serious about fighting your stress, the Spire is a very helpful tool.