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We’ve Been Waiting For A Cleaning Lady App Like Takl

Affordable & Easy Cleaning Lady App

COUPON: Try Takl for 10% off with the code C2A74.

A lot of cleaning lady app options seem to have come and gone in the past few years, but we’ve found one that (we think) is here to stay. It’s called Takl (takl.com). We like it. You might too.


Takl is a new-ish app to hit the market, but it’s one that seems here to stay. You can use it to book a variety of handyman jobs, and is particularly easy to use for booking house cleaning jobs. Hire a cleaning lady starting at only $70 (or a bit less, if you use the coupon code above).

Ease of Use

Takl is super easy to use—start by downloading the app for your phone or tablet. Once it’s downloaded, open the app. On the home screen of the app, you’ll see a couple of category options that you can scroll through. Scroll over until you see the “Housekeeping” section. Select it, and then select “Clean Home/Apartment”, then “Clean Home”. From here you’ll be able to choose the size of your home, and see pricing for each size. You can either have the cleaning person come and do a regular clean, or have them do a deep clean for a bit more. I’ve never tried out the deep clean option, so if you have—comment below with your experience.

Once you’ve selected the option, you move through scheduling and picking your provider (details about that below). Checkout is simple, and your appointment will be ready to go by the end of it.

Security & Ratings

The great thing about booking a cleaning person through the Takl app is that all of the providers on there are background checked (by Takl). Additionally, you can view the ratings that each provider has earned through previous Takl jobs. You will also be able to rate your provider after their job ends.



Takl is really upfront in their pricing structure. When you select the size of your home, you see an exact price for what it would cost to clean it. This might vary a bit by area, but for me (in Los Angeles), I see it like this:

1 bedroom: $70 ($150 for deep clean)
2 bedroom: $85 ($200 for deep clean)
3 bedroom: $110 ($250 for deep clean)
4 bedroom: $135 ($325 for deep clean)
5 bedroom: $175 ($350 for deep clean)

It’s really a pretty fair pricing structure. Also, the price always remains the same regardless of which provider you choose. So if you want to try a couple of different providers before you settle on your favorite, the pricing won’t change and you don’t have to worry about haggling or negotiation.

COUPON: Get 10% off your first booking with the Takl coupon code C2A74.

Summary: Takl—not JUST a Cleaning Lady App

We’d love to hear from you on your own experiences using Takl or another Cleaning Lady app! Comment below and we’ll investigate and potentially add it to the article!

Visit Takl.com to try it out.