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InkBox Review: Making Temporary Tattoos Cool Again

Price: $19 – $24

Two Week Temporary Tattoos
Discount: $5 (Click for Discount)

What kid didn’t love putting on temporary tattoos? I certainly felt cool in middle school with a curling dragon on my neck. Though I was grateful it only lasted a few days when my mom saw it.

Lucky for me, childhood can continue with InkBox 2.0. Read my Inkbox review below to discover how temporary tattoos are making a comeback. Note: Inkbox sent me a kit to review for free, but the opinions are all my own.

The Tats

One big reason I am so excited about Inkbox is their upcoming custom tattoo section. I would love to test out tattoo designs before getting the real one. In fact, I think everyone should pay $20 to see if they really want to get their desired design permanently inked on their body. But! For this review I received one of their pre-made tattoo designs, which looks very similar to the type of tattoo I actually want someday.

Applying the Temporary Tattoos

When I first received the Inkbox in the mail I was surprised by the process to apply the tattoos. I remember as a child pressing pressing a warm wet towel to my tattoo and that was it. Inkbox provides gloves, a microwavable towelette, and a few other odds and ends. There are pretty strict instructions which you do have to follow explicitly.

The Process

Peel, Dab, Apply, Press and Wait

It was pretty simple in the end as the video above shows. A few tips that I found from doing it myself.

  1. Choose an easy location to apply pressure. You are going to be holding the cloth for 15 minutes. That is a long time if you are trying to apply a tattoo to the back of your own neck.
  2. Don’t move the warm cloth at all! It will smudge ink all over your skin and ruin the tattoo. Once you press down on the tattoo, make sure that cloth stays in place for the entire 15 minutes or you will stain your skin.
  3. Don’t choose a body part that touches another while you are sleeping.  I knew this going into it, and put the tattoo in a spot I assumed wouldn’t touch another body part when I slept. But I guess I learned something about my sleeping habits—as you can see in the image below some of the ink transferred from my lower arm onto my upper arm during the night. Oops! You can also wash the tattoo gently right before going to bed to prevent this ghost tattoo (which I forgot to do).

The Final Product

The tattoo looked great, apart from the smudging (which I blame myself for entirely). It took a day to really get dark. I am now two weeks into the tattoo and it is still in one piece and looks more real now that it is slightly faded (and the accidental upper arm part is gone).

If you are looking for that semi-permanent tattoo, Inkbox is your solution. But my recommendation is to at least get two—the first one to be a trial and error one, and the second one to apply perfectly.

Rating: 9.2

Inkbox Review: My Overall Impression

I did have a few issues with my tattoo, but overall I am very excited. The tattoo has already been on my arm for 2 weeks and it doesn’t show any real sign of leaving. Even better, the longer I leave it, the more it looks like a real tattoo (people have complimented me on it). I did mess up and smudge it, but that was my fault for not paying attention to the instructions fully. Overall I feel the cost of around $20 per tattoo is a decent price for such a high-quality temporary tattoo.

Try it out yourself with my $5 discount.

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