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Sunrising Bedding Review | The 12 Inch Ultimate Comfort Memory Foam Mattress

Every sleeper has different needs when it comes to a mattress. I provide the best information I can about the mattress feel and support so you can make an informed buying decision. Make sure to check out the youtube review further down for a visual review of the mattress. Please leave me any feedback in the comments section below.

The Sunrising Bedding Ultimate Comfort Feel


I gave the Sunrising Bedding a 7 out of 10 firmness (10 being the firmest). The bed’s firmness was a little surprising to me as it has 3.5″ of memory foam at the top. It feels soft to the touch but don’t let that fool you, this is a firmer bed.


The Ultimate Comfort provided great support during the time I reviewed it. The 8.5″ high-density foam base layer is a strong foundation that doesn’t sag or soften. If you don’t mind a slightly firmer bed, the Sunrising Bedding Ultimate Comfort will provide good support.

I found that I sunk into the mattress only around 2″. This was great for me as a back sleeper, but a little too firm for my partner who is a side sleeper. (She prefers very soft mattresses.)


The Ultimate Comfort had average responsiveness (how quickly the bed bounces back when you press your hand into it) for a memory foam mattress. Don’t expect the energy you would find with a hybrid or full spring mattress. Moving around on this mattress will take more effort.


I tested out this bed in hot and cold room environments and had no issues with overheating. Sunrising Bedding uses a Airplus technology to move air through the foam quicker. This allows the heat to dissipate faster and provide you a cooler sleep.


There was a slight smell when opening the box. I recommend giving the bed a few hours to adjust to a neutral smell. Sunrising Bedding uses a plant based foam which is CertiPUR-US approved.

Sunrising Bedding Review on Youtube

Check out Topdown’s youtube review of the Sunrising Bedding Ultimate Comfort Mattress.


  • Amazing price at $399 for a Queen
  • Great support that left me pain free in the morning
  • CertiPUR-US approved and chemical free
  • Stayed cool even in a warmer room
  • 120 Trail Period
  • 20 year warrenty


  • Too firm for my partner who likes to sleep on her side
  • Sunrising Bedding is an unknown name in the mattress industry.
  • A small amount of smell when first opened.

My Sunrising Bedding Review Summary

Rating: 9.3

Sleepers should expect a slightly firmer mattress with good support. The Ultimate Comfort is a full foam bed so it has only moderate responsiveness. If you don’t mind a little firmness, you won’t find a better price than $399 for a queen.

Buy it on Amazon now.