Silver Holographic Rave Wonderland 1.5 Liter Hydration Backpack
Price: $15
Get 10% off (Code HAPPY100)
Rave Wonderland
I love going out, but have to admit that I haven’t been to a lot of Raves. The few I have gone to were a lot of fun. Everyone was wearing the best outfits, super sexy and colorful. I always wondered where they got the clothing until I discovered Rave Wonderland.
Rave Wonderland can be purchased through their own site or through etsy. The outfits are handmade and will definitely get you noticed during the night. You can follow Rave Wonderland’s loyal customer base on social media to see just how noticed they get at the events.
The Hydration Backpack
I decided to start off slow, and get the Holographic Hydration backpack. It is a camelbak with a silver holographic cover. This piece of gear is essential as most problems arise from dehydration.
The backpack itself is very sturdy and well constructed. The most impressive part I found was that even with the extra shiny surface, it still costs less than most camelbak’s at the store. I have already decided this is going to be my hiking pack when I’m not using it at raves.
The sturdy construction is also the only negative I could find with the pack. The holographic cover is cool, but the straps themselves don’t really match the style. I couldn’t see myself wearing a sexy dress with this backpack.
Rave Wonderland Discounts
If you are looking to buy some sexy rave gear, you might actually be able to get the rave camelbak for free. At the time of this Rave Wonderland review, they were offering a free pack to anyone who spends over $100. One hundred dollars will actually get you a good amount of clothing as the prices are great. (There is also the extra 10% discount my code HAPPY100 can get you.)
Rave Gear
After looking through their site I am going to get a few extra items so I can have some clothing reviews for my readers. The hydration backpack surpassed my expectations for quality, so I am pretty excited. I might have been waiting for a store like Rave Wonderland to start the EDM stage of my life.
Rave Wonderland Review Summary
I ordered the holographic hydration pack and was impressed by the quality. If the other clothing items are made to the same quality level, customers are getting a very good deal for their buck. The only small negative was the sturdy straps didn’t look like they would work with sexy clothing. I am going to order a few more items from Rave Wonderland so I can test them out together.